
The Juan de Fuca Salmon Restoration Society was formed as a result of a symposium on salmon organized by the Sooke Region Historical Society in September 2002 which was held at Edward Milne Community School. Many presenters from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds of experience made contributions to the two-day program, titled SALMON: PAST–PRESENT-FUTURE.

The resulting organization, JdFSRS was formed, incorporated under the Societies Act of BC in January 2003, with the objective of drawing together and working towards consensus, salmon enhancement – focused groups and individuals within the area from Sooke Basin to the San Juan River valley.  Education and co-operation were identified as key elements of the Society’s objectives as they worked towards enhancement of salmon habitat and stocks. Charitable status through Revenue Canada was approved in August 2010. A variety of endeavours have been undertaken and continue apace, as determined by the elected board of Directors of Juan de Fuca Salmon Restoration Society.


Governance of the Juan de Fuca Salmon Restoration Society is the responsibility of its 11-member Board of Directors, elected annually. The organization’s fiscal year runs from January 1st to December 31st. Board members elected at the AGM held Tuesday, March 26, 2024 are:

Ray Vowles, President
Bruce Butler, Vice-president
Elida Peers, Secretary-Treasurer
Margaret Banner, Director
Shane Collins, Director
Wayne Jackaman, Director
Frank Planes, Director
Kyle Poirier, Director
Rollie Rose, Director
Peter Wilford, Director
Pat Williams, Director


Annual individual membership cost is $10.00, which is a method of showing support, and entitles the holder to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting.

Contact Us

Mailing address:
Juan de Fuca Salmon Restoration Society
2895 Sooke River Road
Sooke, BC       V9Z 0Y1
Phone 250-642-4200

The organization’s office is located at Charters River Salmon Interpretive Centre
2895 Sooke River Road.



Where to find us

Charters River Salmon Interpretive Centre

Click on map for larger view. JdFSRS on Google Maps. (Opens in new window.)